What to Look for in Commercial Garage Door Warranties

by | Aug 1, 2016 | Garage Doors Parts

One of the most important things to look for when buying a new commercial garage door is a high quality warranty. While nearly all new garage doors will come with warranties, the warranties tend to vary quite widely. Since the warranty is part of what customers pay for when they buy a new garage door, it is helpful to look for the following things before signing on the dotted line.

What is Included?

Every warranty may be slightly different, but it is common for the garage door warranty to have a staggered schedule. This means that the garage door parts and labor may be covered for a certain amount of time following installation, but after that specified period only the labor will be covered. Sometimes the garage door finish, for example a powder coat finish, may be warrantied in a separate sub-section of the garage door warranty, as well. Generally, it is best to look for the most extensive coverage possible for at least the initial year after installation.

What Types of Damage Are Covered?

Every garage door warranty will specify the situations in which the garage door can be repaired or replaced. Generally, the reasons will include situations like garage door damage due to weather or due to unusual deterioration of the garage door material. Of course, most situations involving owner-caused damage will not apply to the warranty. For example, if an employee runs into the garage door, it is more likely to fall under the category of business insurance coverage than garage door warranty coverage.

Can an Extended Warranty Be Purchased?

Most garage door warranties are very straightforward, and are included in the purchase of the garage door. However, customers who want the maximum level of garage door coverage possible may be able to buy an additional warranty. This extended warranty may provide coverage for a longer period, or it may offer more extensive coverage in general.

If you are ready to consider the different Commercial Garage Door Warranties available today, consider speaking with the team at visit website. Ace Garage Door offers a wide variety of garage doors that will suit any commercial setting. You also follow them on Twitter for more updates!

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