Ways to Customize an Iron Door

by | Mar 27, 2017 | Doors

Custom iron doors give your home a unique and bold look. There are many specifications that can be customized for these types of doors, offering a nearly endless range of design solutions to complement your home’s appearance. Here are just a few components to take into consideration when choosing custom wrought iron doors.


One of the most distinctive design elements of an iron door is the statement it makes with the scrollwork. While the frame of the door provides a sturdy and solid foundation, the scrollwork balances out this imposing side of the door with a more delicate design. Scrollwork can be customized to match your home’s overall design approach. Curves and swirls can give the door a romantic look, while straight, crisp architectural lines can lend formality. In terms of design, the custom scrollwork you choose gives your door personal character.

Door Shape

When most people think of a door, they probably think of a simple rectangular design. However, custom iron doors come in a range of shapes that are subtle modifications on the typical rectangle. Arches are a popular variation on the standard door shape. Scrollwork can be incorporated both in the body of the door as well as surrounding an elegant arch. Arches can be subtle or bold, with just slightly rounded corners or a more pitched design. Once again the shape of the door also lends a distinct personality to your choice.

Glass Panels

Glass panel inserts are another versatile component in customization of your home’s entry door. The type of glass you choose has an effect on the luminosity of the door and how much natural light gets through to your home’s entryway. Different types of glass also affect energy efficiency, because some types of glass are more insulated than others. This also has an impact on noise and soundproofing. Therefore, when taking into consideration which type of glass to choose, make sure you understand how the glass itself is composed, asking questions as needed. Is it tempered? Is it double pane? Is it properly sealed to be weatherproof? From shiny to textured, clear to opaque, the type of glass you select to customize your door is an important factor in the door’s overall appearance and functionality.

Custom iron doors make an unforgettable first impression right at your home’s front entrance. With so many factors to choose from, selecting the right door can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience that creates a long-lasting impact.

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